The Poem of GameBot

Under the psuedonym of Thomas Hand, this poem was submitted to

The Strong Pilgrimage

I came home on a day.
And the living will remember us.

Not that we believed the whisper, but he is dead.
She is often homeless.

I asked if she went to bed two days ago.
They said a word last night.

Eight days later, this email was received
Editor's Choice Award

Eight days after that, came
Act Quickly! Your Poem "The Strong Pilgrimage" Is Currently Ranked As A Finalist!

And the following day:
Thomas, Welcome To The International Society Of Poets!

Then it got very exciting: Nobel House Publishers wanted to make the poem available for International Readers!
Thomas, may we have permission to publish your poem?

Eight days later, they were starting to get worried at no response!
Thomas, may we have permission to publish your poem?

The link in the email brought the following response from FireFox:

But it takes more than that to discourage a determined bot. Typing the address in directly brought up this:

Now the Strong Pilgrimage has been submitted!

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